Israel Sister Spotlights

Home Feels – Different

A Day in the Life of an Israeli MOM: Ella Ganor

After two weeks of being away from our home – we finally returned.

We live in Be’er Ganim, near the city of Ashkelon. 16 km from the Gaza Strip. On the morning of October 7th, we were visiting my parents, who live in northern Israel, and realized it is better for us not to come back home for now.

It felt safer there, but how long can you be a guest in someone else’s house? Even if they are your parents?

So, after two weeks of wandering around, we’re back home.

Home feels – different. The streets are deserted, and the playgrounds are empty of children. Some of the families have moved somewhere quieter, and those who haven’t don’t leave the house much.

The sounds of explosions and alarms are commonplace and are very stressful for the kids who mostly want to stay at home.

But the good thing about being at home is the opportunity to meet friends. Seeing and talking with other people is one of the most comforting experiences for me these days. There is a sense of unity that makes it feel like we’re one big family.

And we really are one family! the family of Am Israel!

These days – everyone wants to take part, to help wherever possible… whether preparing food for the soldiers or donating clothes and toys for people who were evacuated from their homes or helping a friend whose husband is in the reserves.

We calm, comfort, and encourage each other.

These deeds, this sense of togetherness, of unity, are a source of light in this great darkness.

Only weeks ago, the war was between us! There was hatred and enmity.

We forgot that we are brothers and sisters that what we have in common is greater than what is different.

I hope that when this war ends, and all our soldiers and hostages come back home to their families, we’ll still remember – we are one!

Am Israel Chai!


Choose your Journey

For Jewish mothers with children age 18 and under

Participants only pay their acceptance fee and airfare

To participate in the Momentum Yearlong Journey, women must live in close proximity to a Partner Organization. See our partners list here. Please notify your Community Leader with any updates to your application


Mainly for the husbands of Momentum sisters

$900 for Momentum husbands

Each man get a scholarship of $2,100-$2,400

Partner Organization contributes $700 per man

The Israeli Government does not contribute to the Men’s Trips

To participate, men must live in close proximity to a Partner Organization. See our partners list here. Please notify your Community Leader with any updates to your application


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