Partner with us

and join the Momentum movement

Empower Jewish women to change the world through
Jewish values

Momentum is a global movement focused on the greatest influencer – the Jewish mother. When you partner with us, you inspire women to live their most meaningful lives and transform themselves, their families, and their communities through Jewish values.

Why become a Momentum Partner?

Momentum joins together with Jewish organizations around the world to build and strengthen local Jewish communities – starting with women.
With this model, Momentum and our 400+ global partners have reignited Jewish life for 23,000+ individuals – sparking deep connections to Jewish values, community leadership, advocacy for Israel, and unity without uniformity around the globe.

“Momentum is like CPR for the Jewish woman’s soul. It woke me up and reminded me who I was. It showed me the power of Jewish women and instilled in me a sense of personal responsibility for the Jewish people – beginning with myself, my family, and my community – and then making it possible to impact the world.” Jody Berkel,
Toronto, Canada
“Momentum helped me forge powerful connections with Israeli women and become part of a strong community. Momentum showed me that I have a responsibility to make a difference for the people around me, my neighborhood, my city, and the Jewish people. I always valued Jewish traditions, but I realized that Jewish wisdom could guide me in every area of my life.” Ethel Y.
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The MOMentum Journey of Growth

The Journey begins

Bring together a cohort in your area of Jewish women with children 18 or under

Prepare for the Israel experience during 3-4 engaging learning sessions

Guide your cohort toward personal growth and action in your community

The Israel experience

Spend seven transformative days in Israel on a profoundly personal journey

Explore our shared homeland’s miraculous history and take in inspiring Jewish wisdom

Facilitate relationships between your cohort and their Israeli companions

Connect to a new global sisterhood

Motivate your cohort to implement their personal impact plan

The Journey continues

Bring the inspiration home to your community with leadership and volunteering opportunities

Continue the learning and growth with 12+ sessions over the course of the year, culminating in a celebration

Encourage husbands and partners to join us on a MoMENtum Men’s Trip to Israel

Learn more about Momentum

Join the Momentum movement!

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What is the Momentum Journey of Growth?

The Momentum Journey of Growth is an immersive experience that empowers women to connect to Jewish values, engage with Israel, take action in their homes and communities, and foster unity without uniformity.

It includes a profound, experience in Israel, during which women explore our Jewish homeland, take in inspiring Jewish wisdom, and join a global Jewish sisterhood. Back home, women channel their energy and passion personally, professionally, and communally. They continue their learning and growth through in-person gatherings, learning sessions, and leadership opportunities with their newly-formed sisterhood – all facilitated by the Partner Organization in the local community.

Who can become a Partner Organization?

Momentum partners with local, national, and international Jewish organizations around the world, from all backgrounds and affiliations. Our programming is available in multiple languages – English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew – and continues to expand.

See a list of our partners here.

How does my organization benefit from a partnership with Momentum?

Momentum joins together with Jewish organizations around the world to build and strengthen local Jewish communities, starting with the greatest influencer: the Jewish mother.

When you partner with us, you inspire women to live their most meaningful lives and transform themselves, their families, and their communities through Jewish values. You also drive your own mission forward and increase your impact, infuse new energy into your organization, grow your network, and empower Jewish leaders in your community.

What does a partnership with Momentum entail?

When you partner with Momentum, you become a vital part of our worldwide movement! Partnership begins immediately, with support from our Partnership Team to help you identify Community Leaders, recruit participants, and prepare for your organization’s Momentum Journey of Growth experience. 

For participants, the Journey of Growth begins with three or more pre-Trip to Israel meetings to welcome them to the experience, connect them with each other, and create an action plan for personal growth. They also agree to attend monthly post-trip learning sessions with their cohort, led by your organization’s Community Leaders with original educational resources and guidance from Momentum. 

Who can be a Community Leader?

At every step of the Momentum Journey of Growth , your participants will be guided and inspired by a local Community Leader: a hand-selected member of your organization or community with a passion for Jewish life.

Community Leaders come from all walks of life – Jewish educators and non-profit professionals, lay leaders, community members, rebbetzins, or Momentum alumni – but share a passion and dedication for inspiring participants to step up for themselves, your organization, and your community.

With in-depth resources, individualized guidance, and a worldwide network of peer support, Momentum empowers Community Leaders with the tools they need to step up and lead their participants.

For more on selecting and training Community Leaders, see Partner & Community Leader Responsibilities.

Can a woman participate in the Momentum Journey of Growth more than once?

No, a woman may only experience the Momentum Journey of Growth as a participant one time. However, she may attend again as a Community Leader or a Madricha (a former participant who steps up to assist the Community Leader and guide new participants). 

How many staff members can the Partner Organization bring on the Momentum Trip to Israel?

Momentum requires that each Partner Organization bring one Community Leader for every nine participants. (In a group of ten, for example, one person would be the Community Leader and the other nine would be participants.)

There is a maximum of 10% staff per cohort, rounding up at five. The thresholds for additional staff are: 15-20 participants, two staff members; 25-34 participants, three staff members, and so on. For a group of 15 or more, additional staff members may be either another Community Leader or a Madricha (a past participant who has volunteered to assist staff and guide new participants).

How much does it cost to become a Momentum Partner Organization?

The Momentum Journey of Growth is supported by generous donors, Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, and the Partner Organization.

The total cost of the trip is $3950 per person. The Partner Organization pays a partner fee for each participant to attend.

Can I have the participants pay the partner fees?

No, partner fees must be paid by the Partner Organization. Please speak with your Partner Relationship Manager for guidance on fundraising to cover your partner fees or partnering with foundations and other organizations for financial subsidies.

What is Journey of Growth ?

Following their Trip to Israel, cohorts gather each month to delve into a core Jewish value, guided by Momentum’s ourney of Growth educational resource. With stories from our heritage, lessons from our history, and action-based exercises for individuals, couples, and families, Year of Growth supports continued Jewish learning and growth.

Each participant receives a print version of Journey of Growth . To access the digital version of Year of Growth, please click here. You may also find it under the “Journey of Growth ” tab on the Community Leader portal.

What is the Momentum Impact Plan?

The Momentum Impact Plan starts from the very beginning by setting SMART goals for what you want to achieve with this investment. Your goals will help you build your cohort and then dictate how you build your pre- and post-trip educational experiences. Our staff works with you during this process to ensure your success in creating impact in your local community.

Once complete, you may submit it through an online form in the Partner Portal prior to your trip.

Where can I see trip videos, flyers, and other Momentum materials to share with our board and donors?

Videos and materials about Momentum can be found on our website: Additional videos can be found on Momentum’s YouTube channel.

Do you provide training for Community Leaders?

Community Leaders are required to participate in a four-part training course, with three sessions held prior to the Momentum Trip to Israel and one immediately following. Momentum provides one-on-one coaching to help Community Leaders succeed in creating a cohesive cohort, preparing their participants for the trip, and creating an impact plan for their Journey of Growth. We are also happy to introduce new Community Leaders to veteran Community Leaders to guide and mentor them.

Who is in charge of planning the post-trip Year of Growth sessions?

Community Leaders are responsible for planning and facilitating the post-trip Journey of Growth sessions for participants. They may choose to utilize Momentum’s Year of Growth resource and are encouraged to share materials and lesson plans with other Community Leaders around the world.

There is another organization in my city taking women on Momentum trips, will I be competing with them?

No, you will not be in competition with other organizations in your city. Every organization has a unique mission and diverse constituents.

There are many opportunities for different organizations to learn from each other. In fact, many organizations come together to organize joint sessions and activities!

Who qualifies to experience the Momentum Journey of Growth?

There are three primary qualifications to experience the Momentum Journey of Growth :

  • The Journey of Growth is designed for Jewish mothers and fathers who are not highly engaged in the Jewish community or Jewish ritual observance, but wish to raise their children in a Jewish home
  • Participants must have at least one child aged 18 or under
  • Participants must be aware that the trip is fast-paced and the itinerary is full (As we say, “Sleep when you get home!”), with lots of walking, bus travel, and long days

Where do women have to come from?

Participants must live within a 30-minute drive to the Partner Organization. Momentum programming is designed to build your community through monthly in-person gatherings, so participants must live close enough to be part of your community. From experience, we have learned that participants who live more than 30 minutes away are less likely to attend post-trip gatherings.


Choose your Journey

For Jewish mothers with children age 18 and under

Participants only pay their acceptance fee and airfare

To participate in the Momentum Yearlong Journey, women must live in close proximity to a Partner Organization. See our partners list here. Please notify your Community Leader with any updates to your application


Mainly for the husbands of Momentum sisters

$900 for Momentum husbands

Each man get a scholarship of $2,100-$2,400

Partner Organization contributes $700 per man

The Israeli Government does not contribute to the Men’s Trips

To participate, men must live in close proximity to a Partner Organization. See our partners list here. Please notify your Community Leader with any updates to your application


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