Momentum Men’s Journey
The MoMENtum Men’s Trip is a boot camp for living awesome lives that are guided by Jewish values. Men enjoy empowering classes led by world-class Jewish educators and Israeli thought-leaders; enjoy Shabbat in Jerusalem with local families; and discover how to connect more deeply with themselves, their families, and their communities.
How to apply
This trip is designed for people who are not highly engaged in the Jewish community or Jewish ritual observance. Our participants must have children at home age 18 or younger OR be the parenting partner of a recent Momentum alumna.
Participants must be physically and emotionally healthy.
Safety and Security
The safety and well-being of our Momentum participants and staff is paramount to us.
We adhere strictly to the safety and security standards, guided by the protocols established by the IDF’s Homefront Command (Pikud HaOref). With a history of safely facilitating meaningful experiences, Momentum has brought over 23,000 participants to Israel since 2009.
Read more about Safety and Security on Momentum Trips here.
What does the trip cost?
For our participants, this is a heavily subsidized trip. You pay a $1,000 fee if your wife, ex-wife, or parenting partner is a recent (within the past 5 years) Momentum participant, $1,400 if she is not. The balance of the $3,950 per-person cost is covered by Momentum and your Partner Organization. Note that your fee does not include airfare, a $360 application fee and some meals.
Can I come on a different date with a different city?
The short answer is “No.” A vital part of the Momentum experience is creating community at home, with men in your city, and each Partner Organization invests in each of its participants to make this happen.
What if I have already been to Israel?
We give priority to men who have never been to Israel, or who visited before they turned 18, but many of our participants have visited Israel in the past. Apply and speak to your community leader for more details.