That is so Jewish
How we found a beautiful and quaint bed and breakfast in the not-a-synagogue-could-be-found city of Juneau, Wisconsin.
A Day in the Life of an Israeli MOM: Rina Zitser
To my tribal sisters,
I’m a women of words
yet as the days go by,
I have less and less to say….
Nothing seems worthy enough to be said
in the face of such cruilty
Pain, loss
The beautiful faces
looking at us from every corner,
pleading to return home
Now, before it is too late.
My feeling of hopelessness is unbearable.
Without having an alternative I try to regain my lost control
in this moment and find compassion.
In moments like these I find some comfort
in writing to myself… In art.. Even the simplest.
I’m not an artist, not a painter
but you don’t need much…
A few pencils, white paper, crayons (we all have that, right?)
and let your hands go as they may… Draw whatever comes to be.
I welcome you to create yourselves.
How we found a beautiful and quaint bed and breakfast in the not-a-synagogue-could-be-found city of Juneau, Wisconsin.
As a single mother, it is so inspiring to hear other women who have their own journeys and are giving me encouraging feedback to help me on my journey.
For Jewish mothers with children age 18 and under
Participants only pay their acceptance fee and airfare
To participate in the Momentum Yearlong Journey, women must live in close proximity to a Partner Organization. See our partners list here. Please notify your Community Leader with any updates to your application
Mainly for the husbands of Momentum sisters
$900 for Momentum husbands
Each man get a scholarship of $2,100-$2,400
Partner Organization contributes $700 per man
The Israeli Government does not contribute to the Men’s Trips
To participate, men must live in close proximity to a Partner Organization. See our partners list here. Please notify your Community Leader with any updates to your application