Rise & Shine
Rise & Shine! Start your mornings feeling nurtured and enlightened with Adrienne Gold Davis.
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The Fruits Of Our Labor
What can Tu B’Shvat teach us about healthy parenting?
LISTEN NOWEmbracing Ambiguity
How can we engage with others and ourselves in a world lacking nuance?
LISTEN NOWA Choice We All Make
All of us have the power to do good or bad. How can we make sure we choose wisely?
LISTEN NOWOutdated Scripts
What does it take to truly bring together two different people with different pasts to create one single home and present?
LISTEN NOWOpening The Tent On All Sides
How can we stay sane when opening our home to others?
LISTEN NOWThe Power of In Person
Adrienne discusses the power of in-person meetings in an online world
LISTEN NOWFinding What You Truly Need
When your best efforts aren’t enough, how can you find comfort?
LISTEN NOWAsking For Help
How can we leave behind our ego and admit it when we need help?
LISTEN NOWThe Crown of Splendor
What lessons can we learn from the fantastic and colorful fall leaves?
LISTEN NOWWalking a Mile with Our Ancestors
How might we maximize and celebrate the journey – without fixating on the destination?
LISTEN NOWThe Science of Communal Worship
How can each of us find our place in Jewish communal life?
LISTEN NOWForgiveness, One Day at a Time
We often hear the expression, “Forgive, but don’t forget.” But what does the Torah teach us about the boundaries of forgiveness?
LISTEN NOWConfessions of a First-Time Mom
Confessions of a First-Time Mom
LISTEN NOWLead Like Moses
Parenting means constantly tapping into humility.
LISTEN NOWBack in the Garden
Telling the truth – even when it makes us look bad – is how we grow. Yet, finding the strength to do so is easier said than done.
Adrienne shares how we can give our food the reverence and significance it deserves.
LISTEN NOWMy Mother’s Hands
Make the shift from skin to soul with timeless wisdom from our sages.
LISTEN NOWLove and Loss
Adrienne has visited Israel’s south multiple times since October 7. In her own words, she shares what she’s learned from each wave of horror.
LISTEN NOWParisian Providence
HP moments” happen when we least expect them – but need them the most
LISTEN NOWTo Be Yourself
It’s time to shift our mindsets from “be yourself” to “be your best self.”
LISTEN NOWHow I Fell in Love With Israel
The soul of a Jewish person thrives in the land of Israel. On her very first trip to Israel, Adrienne Gold Davis discovered why.
LISTEN NOWFollowing in Abraham’s Footsteps
What “ism” do you hold on to?
LISTEN NOWUnity Without Uniformity
My family is a living case study in diversity unified by the bonds of love
LISTEN NOWDon’t Take the Bait
The hardest part of parenting is letting go.
LISTEN NOWThe Power of a Smile
Why smile at a stranger? Jewish wisdom weighs in.
LISTEN NOWSilence Speaks Louder Than Words
Do I have to cull my relationships and stay engaged only with those who agree with me?
LISTEN NOWWearing Our Identities
How do we balance our physical safety with the desire to stand up and proudly display our identity?
LISTEN NOWWhen Words Are Wasted
The only thing harder than changing someone else’s opinion is changing your own.
LISTEN NOWLiving in Your Skin
I came to understand that my body had a greater purpose than the public gaze.
LISTEN NOWThe Mitzvah of Hospitality
What is it about Jews and food?
LISTEN NOWWho Have I Hurt?
I could not imagine being perceived as having any power, any ability to hurt anyone.
LISTEN NOWBlessings All Around
How can we cultivate blessings in everyday life?
LISTEN NOWA Season for Everything
Pain is tricky. Often, it chooses us – but sometimes, we choose it.
LISTEN NOWBroken But Whole
Hold on until you can find the blessing, even within the sorrow and loss.
LISTEN NOWActs of Defiance
Sometimes we need to defy our family’s wishes.
LISTEN NOWLight in the Darkness
The darkest part of the night is just before the sun comes up.
LISTEN NOWPeople Pleasers, Unite!
We can’t please all of the people all of the time
LISTEN NOWThe Small Voice Inside
When our children mess up, taking a pause can make a life-changing difference.
LISTEN NOWChanukah, Redefined
In a Christmas-obsessed world, what is the point of Chanukah?
LISTEN NOWBlaming Our Mothers
What can we learn from our matriarch Sarah’s example of motherhood?
LISTEN NOWThe Age of Wisdom
What’s the harm in romanticizing our youth?
LISTEN NOWOne Step at a Time
“We can’t do it all at once – and certainly not on our own.”
LISTEN NOWHumility in the Age of Big Egos
When we’re always being encouraged to “lean in,” what does humility look like?
LISTEN NOWTo Be or Not To Be
What happens when we read Shakespeare through the lens of Torah?
LISTEN NOWShabbat: A Day to Create Yourself
Warren Goldstein, Chief Rabbi of South Africa, joins Adrienne to discuss the unifying Jewish act of Shabbat, and how each of us can find beauty and deeper meaning in stillness.
LISTEN NOWThe Beauty of Aging
When your birthday draws near, what emotions come up?
LISTEN NOWThe Spiritual Alarm Clock
What can we do to make this year’s lead-up to the High Holidays extra meaningful?
LISTEN NOWBeing an Influencer
With so many external voices vying for space in our heads, how can we become our own influencer?
LISTEN NOWA Lock on the Door
How can we build romantic time – or even just alone time! – into the never-ending demands of parenting?
LISTEN NOWTisha b’Av in the Twenty-First Century
What do we do when we pray as hard as we can and… we still don’t feel anything?
LISTEN NOWDo You Love Me? Do I Love You?
What do Tevye, Ben Franklin, and Netflix have in common?
LISTEN NOWCriticism with Love
Is there a right time to criticize a loved one?
LISTEN NOWFinding Humanity at the Mall
Why go the extra mile for a complete stranger?
Letters, trunks, teddy bears, and tears – what can truly make or break a fun summer at camp?
LISTEN NOWThe Divine in the Day to Day
Have you ever met someone on their way to “recreate Sinai” in the Himalayas?
LISTEN NOWBittersweet Beginnings
Is it possible to celebrate our accomplishments not as a chapter closing, but instead as a promise of what’s to come?
LISTEN NOWHow Memories Connect Us
The power of memory can bring us back to our essential identities.
LISTEN NOWThe Power of Vision
What happens when we see something we wish we hadn’t?
LISTEN NOWEmbracing Spring
Adrienne Gold Davis shares advice for approaching this upcoming season with renewed clarity – and a new spring in our step.
LISTEN NOWThe Dignity of Every Human
How can we get in touch with our own sense of dignity?
LISTEN NOWBoth Broken and Whole
Israelis seem to have a knack for balancing pain and joy. How do they do it?
LISTEN NOWMaking Space for Difficult Conversations
Have you ever avoided speaking because you were afraid of saying the wrong thing?
LISTEN NOWThe Gift of Hospitality
There is no greater gift than warm hospitality.
LISTEN NOWParenting Teenagers
As our children age, our parenting has to change, too – but how?
LISTEN NOWSeeing Past the Present
Some things in life keep us grounded. Others just keep us stuck, preventing us from moving forward.
LISTEN NOWHonoring Our Parents – and Ourselves
How can we honor our parents – even when our lifestyle choices feel worlds apart?
LISTEN NOWWho’s Afraid of Fear?
Adrienne consults with our favorite Persian queen.
LISTEN NOWLoving Ourselves First
When is stepping away from a loved one the loving thing to do?
LISTEN NOWTree Huggers, Unite
What do you think about when you stand beneath a tree?
LISTEN NOWHonor Thy (Other) Mother and Father
It’s not always easy to honor your parents — or your in-laws, for that matter.
LISTEN NOWI Am Not My Mother
Can we, like Abraham, ever truly leave our parents’ house?
LISTEN NOWFirst Priority
What steps should you take to prioritize your marriage?
LISTEN NOWHow to Love Your Spouse
It’s time to update the way we love unconditionally.
LISTEN NOWNot Everything Should Be Shared
What does it mean to create healthy boundaries around our speech?
LISTEN NOWSeeing the Light
Adrienne Gold Davis shares an illuminating new framework for our Chanukah experience.
LISTEN NOWPaying it Forward
Is there a secret to raising children to be giving and charitable?
LISTEN NOWThe Oneness of Everything
Did you know that the Shema is a haiku?
LISTEN NOWThe Differences that Unite Us
How can we be a people with “a single soul” when we are all, in fact, so different?
LISTEN NOWRethink Thanksgiving
Ready to revamp your Thanksgiving recipes?
On the newest episode of Rise and Shine, Adrienne Gold Davis offers a new holiday recipe — one for whipping up happiness with flavorful insights from Jewish wisdom.
LISTEN NOWWhen “Fixing It” Makes it Worse
When a friend is going through hardship, what in the world can we say to make it better?
LISTEN NOWOwning Our Feelings
What would it look like if we were radically honest with ourselves?
LISTEN NOWLaziness Isn’t Real
Reclaim the lost art of daydreaming. (Hint: the first step is putting down your phone.)
How do we fill that space when our children “leave the nest”?
LISTEN NOWPlanting Trees
How can we look at trees – and the entire world around us – in a whole new light?
What would it feel like to revisit your childhood home?
LISTEN NOWRedefining the Yom Kippur Fast
What would it look like to truly bare our souls this Yom Kippur?
LISTEN NOWPerformance Review
Imagine you had a whole month to set your spiritual record straight and right any wrongs.
LISTEN NOWIt’s Not a Phase
How do we respond with patience, understanding, and humor when we inevitably hear this familiar phrase?
LISTEN NOWFind the Keys
“We are all prisoners, but we sit on the keys”
It is much harder to see red flags in ourselves – and even more difficult to begin correcting them.
LISTEN NOWHear It in the Silence
How can we turn down the volume of life in order to hear the still, small voice within?
LISTEN NOWStrike Up the Band
Each of us is a musician, playing a part in a symphony we will never fully understand – yet, that’s no reason not to play with gusto.
LISTEN NOWStubborn and Stiff-Necked
Stubbornness is a blessing and a curse – and, according to our sages, an essentially Jewish trait.
LISTEN NOWNothing New Under the Sun
Though life may feel isolating, we never suffer alone.
LISTEN NOWIsrael’s Impact
How can we respond with a cool head and an open heart?
LISTEN NOWCan You Actually Cancel Someone?
What does Jewish wisdom have to say about modern-day “cancel culture?”
LISTEN NOWPeel the Fruit
Too many people eat the peel and throw away the fruit
LISTEN NOWLead With Your Soul
Take a step closer to mensch-iness by leading with your soul.
LISTEN NOWHow To Say “I’m Sorry”
Practice small apologies, and the big ones will get easier.
LISTEN NOWTend, Repair, Protect
“Protecting the earth” is about more than just recycling
LISTEN NOWAll Of God’s Creatures
Teach your kids the Jewish value of kavod habriyot
LISTEN NOWThe Purim Basket
Purim isn’t just for partying!
LISTEN NOWSilence is Brave
If the pen is mightier than the sword, the tongue is even mightier.
Failing a test means we must work on the material again and again until we achieve mastery.
LISTEN NOWDirecting Your Light
Each of us is a candle that is capable of banishing away darkness.
The concept of “self-care” didn’t begin with spa days and bubble baths – it’s an idea as old as our sages.
LISTEN NOWI Have My Doubts
Commitment begins when we want to leave.
LISTEN NOWSeeing With Both Eyes
Jewish wisdom teaches that our left eye and right eye see the world differently. How we interpret what we see makes all the difference.
LISTEN NOWThe Man in the Green Hat
“Pray with your feet,” goes a famous African proverb. Today, let’s take the first step.
LISTEN NOWDeeply Rooted
The largest living thing in the world – bigger than the blue whale, the elephant, or the giant sequoia – isn’t quite what you’d expect.
LISTEN NOWAt The Perfect Time
Everything happens at the right time – though sometimes, that can be more frustrating than comforting.
LISTEN NOWA New Kind of New Year
New Year’s Eve comes with a host of expectations and expenses. This year, let’s refocus on what truly matters.
LISTEN NOWYou Get What You Give
When we give to others, we become the most vital version of ourselves. Adrienne Gold Davis shares why.
LISTEN NOWThe Best Gift Ever
Refocus on what it truly means to give generously.
LISTEN NOWThe Shirt Off My Back
Are humans built to be givers or takers? Jewish thinkers have something to say about it.
LISTEN NOWDedicated to Being Different
Chanukah is so much more than “Jewish Christmas.”
Big family events like Thanksgiving can invite dysfunction and drama.
LISTEN NOWTradition, Tradition
Why do you do things the way you do? Perhaps it’s time to reexamine our traditions.
LISTEN NOWThe Sandwich Generation
For most of our lives, our parents give to us generously and selflessly. When that dynamic changes, how can we respond?
LISTEN NOWArt on the Bench
How can we learn to love the stranger?
LISTEN NOWThe Seeds We Plant
How do you know if the lessons you teach your children will stick?
LISTEN NOWHow Time Spirals
Our lives aren’t straight lines from beginning to end. According to Jewish wisdom, they are more like spirals. Adrienne Gold Davis shares how to embrace the loop and find new meaning each time around.
LISTEN NOWMeet Me at the Afterparty
Host Adrienne Gold Davis is throwing the (spiritual) afterparty of the year and we’re all invited.
LISTEN NOWThe Magic Mirror
If there were a magic mirror that revealed the flaws and blemishes of our souls, would you look into it? Adrienne Gold Davis shares a new way to look at them so we can experience the beauty of Yom Kippur.
LISTEN NOWThe Holiday Takeover
Getting older means taking on the high holiday responsibilities that once fell to our own parents. Adrienne Gold Davis shares how we can make the most of being the host.
LISTEN NOWShrinking our Ego
How might we shrink our egos and strengthen our humility? Adrienne Gold Davis finds inspiration in Jewish wisdom.
How can we wake up each morning truly believing “I am enough” – and how can we gift that same knowledge to others? Adrienne Gold Davis explores.
LISTEN NOWThe Social Media Makeover
Jewish wisdom was written long before social media. Yet, we can find guidance for navigating our online world in its timeless words.
LISTEN NOWFinding Forgiveness
As we approach the holiest time of the year, we begin to think about those who have hurt us – and how we might find forgiveness.
LISTEN NOWCPR for Friendship
Is it possible to resuscitate a fading friendship? Breathe new life into it with a little help from Jewish wisdom.
LISTEN NOWEndless Summer
For 25 hours each week, Adrienne Gold Davis takes a vacation. Slip into endless summer, every week. Being Jewish makes that possible.
LISTEN NOWPursuing Peace
Sometimes, precious things break. Yet, with the right tools, they have the potential to become stronger – and more beautiful – than before.
LISTEN NOWStudents of the Moment
These sunlit summer months are the perfect time to practice slowing down and being present. Jewish wisdom shows us how.
Meeting people where they are isn’t easy. Yet, it’s an essential part of living Jewish-ly. Adrienne Gold Davis explores how we can all make the effort.
LISTEN NOWHow to Elevate the Everyday
How do we elevate the everyday? Adrienne Gold Davis explores a piece of Jewish wisdom that teaches us: it’s all about uniting body and soul.
LISTEN NOWGivers and Takers
Sisterhood means showing up – and being shown up for. Adrienne Gold Davis tells the story of the moment that changed her friendships forever.
LISTEN NOWPolish Your Crown
Recognizing the good in others is like searching for precious gems – it takes hard work, patience, and kindness.
LISTEN NOWHow to Take the Perfect Selfie
Ego is not the same as arrogance. Adrienne Gold Davis explores the difference.
LISTEN NOWFor the First Time, Again
Adrienne Gold Davis explores the life-changing power of choice – and why we say, “I do” each year on this often-overlooked Jewish holiday.
LISTEN NOWChoosing to Grow
Jewish wisdom tells us: Our choices are important. Each one is an opportunity to learn and grow.
LISTEN NOWThe Art of Floating
Trust the rope that gets tossed your way, and you might find a way to float.
LISTEN NOWThe Patience Puzzle
Quitting is easy. Progress is slow, difficult, and hard-earned.
LISTEN NOWCracks that Let the Light In
Two conflicting emotions can simultaneously exist: we can feel both sadness and joy at the same time. In Israel, we do it every year.
LISTEN NOWOne Foot in Front of the Other
We will never understand the horror of the Holocaust, but we can commit to never forget. Explore how to bear witness by reaching out with our hands, our hearts, and our actions.
LISTEN NOWRecognizing the Good
Gratitude is both the fuel and the engine of our lives. Stay in the driver’s seat with powerful Jewish wisdom.
LISTEN NOWA New Redemption Song
In the midst of the most difficult moments, there is room for growth. Adrienne Gold Davis finds the space, with a little help from Bob Marley.
LISTEN NOWSugar and Oil
A sugary epiphany helped Adrienne Gold Davis reimagine all that Passover can be.
LISTEN NOWTaking Offense
Words can hurt. Yet, nasty comments and passive-aggressiveness can also grant us an opportunity for self-reflection and growth.
LISTEN NOWTeaching Our Children
How do we ensure that our children heed our advice, long after they are grown and living lives of their own?
LISTEN NOWA Story of Courage: My Esther Moment
When her people were in danger, Queen Esther was moved to action.
LISTEN NOWHoly Chutzpah
We can strengthen our hearts by honing our “holy chutzpah” – doing what’s right, even when it feels like the scariest thing in the world.
LISTEN NOWStep Up and Own It
How can we practice consistency and honesty in public and in private? Explore the power of accountability and become a person you’re proud to be 100% of the time.
LISTEN NOWGreat Expectations
If disappointment is inevitable, why must we feel so gutted when we experience setbacks and unfair situations? Building resilience requires approaching life with optimism and minimal expectations.
LISTEN NOWI am Here With You
Not knowing the right way to support a sick friend can feel debilitating. Explore the different ways to comfort our loved ones that express our love and care, rather than pity and fear.
LISTEN NOWSticks & Stones
Laughter has an incredible way of lifting our souls in times of pain. But Jewish wisdom cautions: sometimes, the joke can go too far.
LISTEN NOWI Am More Than My Job
Big changes can set our worlds spinning, and our identities may get lost in the whirl. How can we hold onto who we really are, no matter what happens?
LISTEN NOWLoving & Giving
We don’t always get the chance to see the effects of our mindfulness, our efforts, and our good deeds. But when we do, it can be overwhelmingly beautiful.
LISTEN NOWChoosing the High Road
How do we ensure we will do the right thing when it really matters? How can we make sure our decisions are not part of the problem, but part of the solution?
LISTEN NOWLet’s Agree to Disagree
How do we love someone and live peacefully with them when we disagree over a deeply held belief? How do we ‘agree to disagree’ without eroding the respect that anchors a loving relationship?
LISTEN NOWParenting Lessons from Hanukkah
How can we allow our kids to fail, and reignite them only when necessary? Explore powerful parenting lessons from Hanukkah.
LISTEN NOWFinding Our Superpowers
When we opt for comfort over growth, we may never discover our true strength. Explore how to unmask and harness your superpowers, even amid life’s most challenging moments.
LISTEN NOWFor Better or For Worse
When we marry, we take our beloved “for better or for worse” – but when it’s worse, how can we remain committed? Adrienne Gold Davis uncovers the challenging and rewarding work of lifelong love.
LISTEN NOWWho is Rich?
Can our sense of gratitude determine our wealth? A simple inventory of our blessings may reveal ordinary miracles in our everyday lives.
LISTEN NOWStaying Faithful
How do you stay faithful to your principles when you feel abandoned by God? Can you look back at your darkest moments and appreciate the results you never saw coming?
LISTEN NOWOur Souls After Death
Adrienne answers the question that follows us from childhood to adulthood. What happens to us when we die? The “Rise & Shine” podcast series has been made possible by the Zitelman Family Foundation’s generosity. If you would like to sponsor an upcoming podcast, please email us at info@momentumunlimited.org
LISTEN NOWBetter to Do Right Than To Be Right
The need to be right can prevent you from helping others. Are you willing to go against human nature and to be part of the solution?
LISTEN NOWThe Secret to Happy Relationships
Deciding to just look away might be the key to maintaining loving connections.
LISTEN NOWLessons from the Giraffe
What you once perceived as failure can actually lead you to righteousness. Discover how to avoid feelings of regret.
LISTEN NOWTo Everything There is a Season
The rhythm of life is deliberate by design. Tune in for a lesson in loss and renewal inspired by Mother Nature, and discover how even our stormiest days can be blessings in disguise.
LISTEN NOWThis Too Shall Pass
How can we fully enjoy life’s sweet moments when we know they’re fleeing?
LISTEN NOWThe Joy of Vulnerability
To experience true joy, we must embrace the vulnerabilities of life. Tune in for tips on how to do exactly that, from kindling our inner light to drawing strength from our connection with God.
LISTEN NOWDon’t Worry, Be Happy: The Power of Positive Prayer
We have two choices in life: we can live in fear or we can live in celebration. Adrienne Gold Davis demonstrates the power of positive prayer in transforming worry into wisdom and helping us embrace life’s endless possibilities.
LISTEN NOWHow to Change your Past, Present, and Future
With deep thought and mindful action, you can change your future – but is there hope for the past? Explore the power of shifting perspectives, wiping our spiritual slate clean, and transforming our wrongs into rights.
LISTEN NOWThe Long and Winding Road
Whichever path in life our children choose, our job is to help them find their way with resilience and dignity. In this episode, Adrienne Gold Davis invites us to examine our own personal journeys and gain the tools to guide our kids through theirs.
LISTEN NOWSpiritual Botox
There is a secret to staying beautiful — but you won’t find it in a Botox session or in others’ opinions.
LISTEN NOWLive Like You’re Dying
Imagine facing our own mortality and admitting that, one day, we will all die. How would you live your life differently?
LISTEN NOWExpanding our Pleasure Repertoire
Remember when you were a child and took pleasure in everything — from singing to dancing to running around? Then, you got older and stopped doing so many of the things you once loved to do, simply because you’re “not good at them.” Adrienne Gold Davis invites us to reclaim pleasure.
LISTEN NOWDisequilibrium Before Developmental Leaps
Before every period of growth and each developmental leap, we experience disequilibrium and discomfort. This is true for children — and it is true for us adults, too.
LISTEN NOWThe Clock On The Tower
Adrienne Gold Davis shares how each one of us can find the best kinds of teachers — those who empower us to stretch ourselves, strive for the truth, and open ourselves to achy, but powerful growth
LISTEN NOWLessons from Crustaceans
Learning new ideas may make us feel so uncomfortable and vulnerable at times. Yet, according to Adrienne Gold Davis, it’s essential that we endure the pain that education brings.
LISTEN NOWWhichever Wolf You Feed
Discover how to embrace your authentic self and make any experience a step towards resilience and sustainable growth.
LISTEN NOWBeing A Mensch
What does it mean to be your best self?
LISTEN NOWUnity Without Uniformity
How can we achieve unity without uniformity in our homes, among our extended families, in our local hair salons, and beyond?
LISTEN NOWWhat’s Yours is Not For Me
How can you come to internalize that you’re exactly who you’re meant to be — and that greatnesses cannot be measured by looking outside yourself?
LISTEN NOWRemoving the DIS from Disability
In this episode of Rise & Shine, Adrienne explores the true source of our strength.
LISTEN NOWIgnorance Is NOT Bliss
What can help us weather this difficult time? “Knowledge is the only preparation for a life of meaning. Use it now. Use it later. But use it, you will.”
LISTEN NOWYour Soul as a Candle
Yesterday, Momentum Founding Director Lori Palatnik lit a torch on behalf of Jewish individuals across the world at Israel’s National Independence Day Ceremony, inspiring all of us and illuminating what we at Momentum know: When we are empowered, each one of us can transform ourselves, our families, our communities, and the world. As Adrienne Gold […]
LISTEN NOWPassing the Tests
In the latest episode of “Rise & Shine,” Adrienne shares how actively choosing our reactions to challenging situations can make a big difference.
LISTEN NOWLife Hacks for Spiritual Allergies
Adrienne shares how, with introspection and grace, we can follow the golden rule, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
LISTEN NOWGuarding My Tongue
Adrienne shares how words, both positive and negative, can hold immense power.
LISTEN NOWLove The One You’re With
“What should I do with my life?” is a question that so many of us have asked. Now imagine asking, “Who should I be?” Adrienne shares that while transitions are a part of life, we can empower ourselves to navigate rough seas.
LISTEN NOWExpanding the Human Heart
We love who we give to – but are there limits to how much you can love? You will surprise yourself with how far your heart can expand.
LISTEN NOWDisposable Relationships
Adrienne shares how to embrace the imperfections and vulnerabilities in our relationships while also trying to strengthen them.
LISTEN NOWDress for Rain
“Loss and pain, while brutal, are part of the act of being human. And that we will sometimes wipe away tears of sadness from ourselves and others and that sometimes we will laugh together till we cry.” Adrienne shares how to accept what life has given us and to prepare for what’s to come
LISTEN NOWChoosing Productive Discomfort
Adrienne shares why it is challenging but necessary to sit in our discomfort.
LISTEN NOWBreast Cancer Awareness Month
Adrienne shares stories of courage and empowers each one of us to be brave, generous, and kind in our fight against breast cancer.
Adrienne shares how we can focus on the beauty around us, instead of on ourselves.
LISTEN NOWThe Sound of Silence
Adrienne shares why staying silent, though challenging, is sometimes the best answer of all.
LISTEN NOWIt Takes A Village
Adrienne shares how we can get to know our neighbors and enrich our lives.
LISTEN NOWThe Spiritual Butterfly Effect
Adrienne shares how we can bring together our diverse family members in beautiful ways.
LISTEN NOWThe Rainbow Connection
Adrienne shares how to discover and appreciate the unique essence in every single person.
LISTEN NOWThe Days are Long; The Years Are Short
Adrienne shares the value of nurturing patience in our relationships and throughout our lives.
LISTEN NOWWhisper Words of Wisdom
Adrienne shares how we can channel our “been there, done that” feelings in positive ways.
LISTEN NOWThe Search for Ordinary Miracles
Adrienne shares how we can find miracles in the world and in our everyday lives.