Rearrange your to-do list
July 27, 2022How do people achieve incredible things in their lives?
Your morning motivation is here with 20 minutes of introspection, spirituality, and connection. Gain the strategies and strength to tackle the day inspired to live AWESOME!
510 EPISODESHow do people achieve incredible things in their lives?
Charlie helps us find out what we can control and what we can’t.
Are you stuck on calls all day and left with no time to ACTUALLY get your work done?
Sometimes the anticipation of an event can be more enjoyable than the event itself.
When we find that emotional fulfillment, we act as the flame — not the wick
Charlie explores how spiritual connections to everyday things may help us live more intentional lives and simply feel better throughout our days.
Human beings try to predict the future based on past patterns.
Are you a physical body with a spiritual experience, or are you a soul with a physical experience?
When we surround ourselves with people who think and speak just like we do, our world can become an echo chamber.
Have you ever been in a work meeting where no one is on the same page?
Charlie reflects on the 4th of July weekend
Good leaders have great followers. Great leaders have great leaders.
Charlie walks us through the process of receiving wisdom.
Do you ever give someone advice and think to yourself, “Can I apply this to my own life?”
Charlie reminds us that when we thrive, we never thrive alone…and when we hurt, we never hurt alone.
Charlie reminds us that we can achieve our dreams ourselves. All we need is confidence.
This episode encourages you to find additional, small ways outside of TV to create meaningful connections every week.
When we commit to a new routine, we can find spirituality and clarity.
Learn how to take a staycation this summer and get reacquainted with your home.
Holidays like Shavuot are a chance to return to our spiritual selves.
Charlie tells us how we can rewire our brains to get what we want.
In taking time to disconnect from everyday duties, you can grow and discover who you want to be.
Do you have a diet of being around people who inspire you?
The news, social media posts, and material things that we view impacts us and set the expectations for our lives.
Charlie discusses how selective memory affects our decisions and self-esteem.
Charlie dives deeper into Mimetic Desire.
. Think about the things you say ‘yes’ to because you THINK you should.
How many things in life are you striving for because you saw it in someone else?
Charlie explains why our desires shift based on other people’s acquisitions.
A lot of stagnation in our lives comes from our lack of sacrifice
A life of sacrificing is so much better than a life of complaining.
Don’t let abstract thinking dictate your decisions.
When you start thinking of what needs to get done, you just do it.
Success means making sacrifices — but what if we don’t want to make them?
Charlie discusses taking time to live in clarity of what we believe and what to achieve.
Charlie discusses the importance of sacrifice in honor of the things we love and the things we want.
They did the unthinkable because they’re unbreakable.
It’s not a human being anymore. It’s a legacy. It’s a narrative. And it’s our duty to get the narrative right.
We double down on our faith in times of trouble
We all have a different narrative we believe about ourselves, and we make decisions based on who we think we are.
When you re-watch your favorite movies, think about what elements of the narrative speak to you the most and what each character represents.
How to bring new life to the STORY of the Exodus.
You can’t be free if you’re not grateful.
Survival is how you’re built. Greatness is how you choose.
Your brain only knows yesterday. Your soul knows tomorrow.
Charlie discusses how freedom is achieved with our minds, not our bodies.
As we tackle responsibilities, remember to find time to remember what is important to us on a spiritual level.
Take time out of your day to open your mind to the world and its people and find new perspectives.
When we’re deep into our work and become exhausted, it’s important to find a passion and create something that is bigger than ourselves.
When you start to spend too much time [going] into yourself, you don’t appreciate what’s in the mind of another
If you don’t realize why you’re doing something, how are you going to stop it?
Recognizing our triggers helps us feel empowered to interact positively with people instead of giving into conflict.
We are responsible for creating positivity in our relationships.
We have to remember that we’re responsible for each other.
Appreciate people for who they are, not who we want them to be.
A great way to find ourselves is to build someone else up.
You don’t lose when you give yourself to someone else.
Relationships are our opportunities to go beyond oneself and learn about others.
Continue to ask questions and remind yourself that there is always more to learn about others.
In your next conversation, lead with empathy and ask questions.
One of the hardest parts about growth is that we don’t give ourselves enough time to reflect
How timestamps and time management can help us better ourselves.
When we take time to reflect every day, we create consistent thresholds and achieve higher-level thinking.
Pausing for 60 seconds can change your whole day for the better.
Think about the thresholds in your life and how you savor each moment.
We don’t need to achieve some massive objective reward to feel massively successful
Take the time to review. Don’t rush
How we can appreciate the value in life as it happens?
Everything has a purpose even if we don’t know the purpose
Everything has a spark — even a task as mundane as doing the dishes
Spirituality is achieved not by leaving the world but by elevating the world
Spirituality is key to unlocking the realization that every job is valuable.
Everyone has a soul that drives us closer to meaning.
How can we make our goals valuable enough to achieve meaning?
What we’re going through now may not be meaningful for us in the next twenty years.
The Super Bowl teaches us that some days we win and some days we lose
The path to being the best at something is to ensure that “thing” does not take over your identity
Challenges and adversity help you extract your soul and understand who you really are.
We live in a world where who you are is tethered to what you do. We need to think about our identity as a powerful source that is flexible and adaptable.
Identities are ways we dress ourselves up without even realizing it because we’re naturally inclined to feel socially accepted.
We need to form our identity based on who we believe ourselves to be instead of how others perceive us.
As social beings, we often prioritize social acceptance to the detriment of bettering ourselves.
Prioritizing our time and our actions enables us to live a life of greatness.
From sports to business, focusing on the critical details and being selective in where we invest our efforts leads to greatness.
Trying to uncover what we are unable to see will ultimately help us reach our goals
When your end goal stops being relevant or no longer holds value, your means to get there rapidly shift.
Don’t miss the joy of the actions you take
Physical success does not translate into spiritual satisfaction.
Physical success does not translate into spiritual satisfaction.
What drives us comes from an inner source- our soul.
Our souls are not satisfied with material and physical rewards.
We need to embrace the mentality of doing action for the sake of action in order to achieve greatness.
We need to shift our mindset and realize that the new action in itself is what truly matters.
Starting a new ritual brings excitement and anticipation.
Our lack of patience is one of the greatest hurdles that stand in the way of achieving that success.
Focusing on consistent, repetitive incremental moves towards our goals enables us to successfully achieve change.
Focusing on consistent, repetitive incremental moves towards our goals enables us to successfully achieve change.
To achieve our next level growth, we need to dig underneath our resolutions and understand why we are setting out to achieve our goal.
A true resolution is what you want to want. In order to change behavior, we need to tap into a desire that is deeper in order to build a stronger internal system to achieve ultimate success.
In order to truly change behavior, we need to understand the flaws of resolutions and why they do not fix whatever problem or improvement we are trying to implement.
To grow as a person and evolve out of your comfort zone, you need to “act as if” and be free from yourself.
To get something to stick, it needs to make its way into your heart.
Living a disciplined life enables you to adapt- not because you have to but because you want to.
The best time to train your mind to distance yourself from negative thoughts is when you’re living in a time of plenty.
Creating stronger discipline around your mind gives you the ultimate sense of freedom.
Planning for a famine when you’re in a time of plenty helps you live a life of fulfillment, appreciation and gratitude.
Investigating the Biblical story of Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream provides key insight for how we can learn to live a life of happiness.
We can’t control the thoughts that enter our mind. We can only control how we manage and regulate those thoughts.
Anticipated negative feelings stand in the way of blocking our minds to think freely.
Being right doesn’t always mean we “win.”
The context in which we present information to others greatly impacts feelings and related memories and experiences.
Being a victim makes us see our situation as one that can’t be fixed because we have no control.
We need to learn how to extract the greatness in ourselves and continually embrace the challenges that come our way.
If we’re able to push ourselves into exploring unfamiliar territory, we can unlock our fullest potential and achieve personal greatness.
The appropriate amount of pain and discomfort that takes place after a workout is actually a sign of growth.
We need to be ok with being comfortable with the uncomfortable. It’s a new way of life. This is the story of Chanukah.
If we can embrace the unpredictable, we could open a world of infinite possibilities.
The reason why we’re not growing is that we’re cutting that potential off from ourselves because it takes work.
When we go out into the world we lead with our brain, not with our soul.
In order for us to overcome our challenges we have to be different people.
A life of purpose means that we recognize everything we are going through is specifically custom-designed for each one of us.
When we focus on building a life that is aspirational, our life changes.
The mind is the gateway to the soul and our mentality is critical to our state of being.
The more we imagine, the closer we come to being that person until we actually are.
The brain is the computer that the soul has to navigate the world.
The natural trigger of negativity is a body response to the world around us. It is part of our fight or flight response.
The way for us to maintain our energy. is to never deal with a negative.
We can’t live great lives if the emotions of yesterday become the emotions of today.
We have the ability to control our emotions. Happiness is in our hands.
Real leadership and influence is the recognition that our actions are bringing out the best or worst in others.
The influence that we look to in our lives that really matters is the influences that are small, private, and consistent.
When we get up every morning we have a job to do. We are tasked to influence, even if it’s just on ourselves.
Leaders are constantly raising the bar and holding it long enough until it feels normal, which raises the standard of our lives. And, the world is better for it.
A leader is someone that is fully aware at all times that we represent more than ourselves.
The way WE treat somebody teaches the person watching how to treat somebody.
We must begin to understand our individual actions represent the collective.
In the pursuit of physical things, we can miss the depth of our lives.
Spirituality means that we’re not in control. It means there’s more than “ME “in life.
When we’re not open, we start losing opportunities that will never come back.
We have to be ready and enthusiastic for the different directions and detours that God sends us.
Greatness requires daily consistent effort and faith.
Why can’t we travel to the past or future? Because we don’t belong there.
God gives everyone free will to make our own decisions, but once the decision is made, it becomes God’s will.
The more space we make for others, the more Divine energy we will have within.
Faith doesn’t mean we don’t do the work. It means we work really hard, understand what our job is, and let God do the rest.
Every morning we wake up as a new person with a new opportunity to make a difference. But what holds us back from moving forward is who we were yesterday.
When we move from trying to predict what our lives could be and drive toward planning an empowered, happy life, our energy is limitless.
To become the best version of YOU, you have to play the game.
The frustrations we see in this world comes from our own bias and from trying to control that which we can’t control.
“Gam Zu L’Tovah”- this too, is for the good.
If you allow a negative perspective to shift you, your energy becomes blocked and the flow stops. If it is positive, the energy continues to flow and can enable greatness.
Our past experiences and the emotions we choose to focus on informs our future projections.
Once we start to see our energy level as something that we can control, we then start to live an empowered life.
Once we have clarity on our values and talents, our minds and bodies can lead the way.
Create higher dreams and higher standards and higher ideals of what this year can look like.
The world is constantly changing. When we don’t change with it, it holds us back in living to our greatest potential.
The more we become ok with what we can control and what we can’t control, we start to look at life and the boundaries we set as opportunities for freedom and autonomy.
The challenge of autonomy is that we are always predicting the challenges of the move ahead of us.
At our core, we cannot live lives that are fully directed by others.
Our brain can only focus on what it knows.
When physical pleasure consumes our inner circle, there’s no room left for our spiritual desires.
Our values can give us a sense of deep satisfaction that gets us towards mastery and connects us to others.
We’re so overwhelmed with processed experiences that our ability to appreciate the healthy things in our lives is dulled.
What is the object of your mastery? What’s in the center of the game called “your life”?
As humans, we are programmed to desire the feeling of mastery over things.
Life requires us to dream and execute on those dreams.
Change is hard. It happens in little drips, sometimes undetected.
Jim Collins stated, “The enemy of great is not mediocre. The enemy of great is good.”
The process of going from good to great starts with not what you’re bad at, but from what you’re good at, and then pushing yourself through the comfort zone of good enough to get to great.
Negative thinking creates blockages to our energy source – our soul. When we think negatively about ourselves, others, or the situation we are in, we’re the ones that suffer the most.
Don’t look for meaning in your life – infuse meaning in your life. Find ways to make yourself happy in any situation.
No matter what challenges you face, there is meaning and purpose to be found. You cannot always ascribe meaning when in the moment, but a day will come when you can reflect and see how you learned and grew from the situation.
You can’t look at the past from today’s perspective. The only way to move forward is to stop looking back and continuing to grow.
“I wish I would have” thoughts are an incredible drain of our energy. It drains our mental battery and sucks away the ability to be in a position to learn, grow and change. All you have is this movement. Be mindful and focus, and you will be successful.
Every time you come into the unknown, there will be fear. Opportunity comes packaged in challenges, and we hear that voice in our heads, “Don’t even try,” “I’m too old,” The only thing that we need to change is our mentality.
Sometimes the experiences you’re going through seem unique to you – until you realize what you have learned in another area offers you insight into the other. But you need to be able to see that. You can do it.
Every experience in life, even if the substance was different, doesn’t mean that which you learned is lost. When you take on something new, you’re doing it in a way that you couldn’t have done it yesterday.
Having a growth mindset acknowledges you are capable of growth and change.
Each step, each day we get to choose to take responsibility to make our lives the best they can be. What changes are you willing to step up and take responsibility for?
When we allow ourselves to use the past as our teacher to analyze our mistakes and get uncomfortable, it can open up a world of true freedom.
Every day is an opportunity to learn from our mistakes.
The only time we really lose is when we stop playing. Our job in life is to become the greatest player we can be.
We delve into the power of personal victories. How can we achieve moments of greatness? When we build a world that when we do something that’s hard, we do it just for us, without needing the accolades from others.
We continue to discuss how doing what’s right and putting in the immense effort can often feel like we are losing when we actually are winning. Discover why Moses had his “glow” and how you can, too.
In this episode, we discuss how to be spiritual in a physical world. By bringing out the “real you”, you start to gain perspective on how to create a new way of life.
Is it ok to be down sometimes when life just doesn’t go our way? In this episode, we delve into the concepts of living a happy life. Is happiness based on the effort you put in or the results of those efforts?
Just as an iceberg is 90% underwater, most of what great people do is hidden. Living in the world of effort shields from an outcome-driven life, and we can aspire to that kind of greatness.
By letting go of the external and focusing on the internal, we give our brains the freedom to be satisfied with proper effort instead of results and other forms of outside validation.
We’re steeped in a results culture. If we shift our brains to focus only on pushing ourselves to max effort, our success and growth come from inside instead of being based on external results.
We can focus on battling ourselves or the world, not both The world requires results, and we’ll lose, but if we make high-level efforts in internal battles, we can achieve extraordinary results.
Focusing on outcomes keeps us from real change. Realizing this helps us get excited about challenges, learn to exert ourselves in the uncomfortable, and be satisfied with effort-based wins.
If we live having to be victorious over others and our environment, we win less. When we focus on effort instead of outcome, we win — and gain — far more.
Our Sages say a strong person is one who overcomes their nature. Our real victories are not over others, they’re over ourselves. Take time to identify these wins.
When we face our challenges, even if the result is not what we want, we win. Outcomes don’t matter. Our real accomplishment is making the effort and then tackling the next wall.
Taking time as day’s end to appreciate the strength God gave us and the walls we broke through allows accomplishments to settle in and we gain the true pleasure of overcoming challenges.
Commentaries on our lives come after events. They analyze what they saw, but from outside the action, not inside. When we stop listening, we can be free from “not enough” thinking.
When do we listen to the commentator inside our heads and when do we just play the game and relish the moment? Thinking about that question can make us the MVP of our lives.
Are we players or commentators? Players move. They just look forward and play. Commentators discuss, think, replay, second-guess. We choose which one we want to be.
There is a time to think and a time to act — knowing when the time is right to go over our wall and not turn around. That is having the courage to scale our walls.
We’re truly not enough for our walls, but we can tap into deep wells of strength — our souls — and accomplish things we think are beyond our capacity, moving from “not enough” to “more.”
Feeling “I’m not enough” is accurate and it’s a critical part of growth. If we don’t fall and get up, if we don’t face challenges and go through walls, we won’t grow and be satisfied with life.
Thinking that “I’m not enough” is really what holds us back. Whatever we fear — failure, what others think, etc. — when we think we can’t, we won’t go through the walls in front of us.
Our fears keep us from reaching our potential. When we articulate the things we’re afraid of, we begin the process of breaking through what’s holding us back.
Focusing on what we CAN do rather than on fear allows us to see challenges as opportunities, take them on, and be real with ourselves and the people around us.
When we’re scared to climb our walls, it’s easy to substitute with the drugs of entertainment and others’ lives, but those leave us unfulfilled. By tackling our walls, we replace fear with real living.
When inspired, we first have overcome “it’s too much” and “why me?” thinking. If we know realize that the wall in front of us is paper-thin, we can break through and act on our inspiration.
Our brains are programmed for survival. Avoiding discomfort is normal, but it keeps us from greatness. When inspired, we have an opportunity to change, and we have a choice to make.
When we work on our reactions to people, we build emotional and empathy muscles. Those efforts are really hard, yet truly holy, training us to react appropriately to negativity from others.
Negativity and pettiness in others are actually opportunities for us to build our selflessness, empathy, and self-control muscles. This strengthens our relationships even with dramatic people.
In relationships that matter, it’s so hard to get past the uncomfortable and openly discuss our feelings. Real conversations drive depth in and strengthen our relationships.
In an environment where honest and transparent speech is welcome, we can be uncomfortable and frank. This brings out the best and most important ideas.
When we use free will and choose the kind of person we want to be, our souls re-wire our minds, generating new code (i.e. patterns of thought) that creates upgrades in our lives.
We have thoughts all day about doing right and wrong, and we have the power to accept or reject each of them. It’s up to us to be traffic cops and control how we process our various thoughts.
Every challenge we face is a gift. When we receive a negative emotions (even from ourselves), we can unpack the Divine energy at the core of that negativity and leverage it for good.
Inspiration and our reactions to negativity are emotional; they dissipate quickly. When we convert them immediately into positive actions, we tap into our energy and grow.
When hurricane winds come, we can transform the punch into a positive by redirecting that energy. It’s up to us to honor the memory of those who died at Meron.
Pushing through the giving-up moment in the face of challenge is the beginning of true greatness. We honor the victims by squeezing the utmost out of the gift that is our day.
Shifting our eyes to look for the uncomfortable opportunities in our challenges leads us to value questions and chase greatness instead of comfort.
By appreciating our challenges, we shift from survival to greatness. When we push ourselves to tap into the energy of uncomfortability, we can change how we measure our days.
As we extend our roots into the ground, we can maintain our integrity when we’re tested. Visualizing our roots going deeper each time the wind blows builds that strength.
When we hit peaks and valleys, we can go the well of our energy to get through. Even better: Build a system to bring our energy from that well into our lives on demand and consistently.
We want to tap into something greater than ourselves, but how? Recovering addicts can inspire us and give us strength to take the energy inside and force it out so we can raise our standards.
Knowing our strengths, weaknesses and includations is helpful and important, but we sell ourselves short when we think we know our limitations and how big our energy reservoir is
Until we push past our limits, we don’t know our abilities. Our souls have an endless supply of energy, but we don’t know it until we spend all that we think we have in the tank.
We can direct the power and strength God gives us each day. That energy is a gift that comes with a mission: We have focus and bring it to the things we need to get done.
Our brains try to protect us by encouraging comfort and relaxation, but when we infuse our time with energy, enhthusiasm and boldness, we can accomplish so much more.
By investing our focus on every moment, we can live each one to the fullest without one bleeding into another. With this crossing over, we treat time with the respect it deserves.
Like a patient who lives despite slim chances of survival, there is no “natural” explanation for the existence of the State of Israel. When we’re asked “Where is God?” Israel answers the question.
On Yom HaZikaron, if we put ourselves in the shoes of those who sacrificed for Israel, we can truly empathize and learn of the greatness that comes from living for cause.
Time is not ours, it’s an investment in us by God. We have a responsibility to use it well. If we start our mornings with gratitude, it sets a tone that can carry us through the day.
When we appreciate productive time and don’t try to be where we’re not, we can take responsibility because we won’t want to waste that time ever.
When we appreciate every moment instead of forcing accomplishment into them all, we can be amazed by time and live overflowing with gratitude for the day.