Dear Momentum Family –
Who our children marry is the most important decision they will ever make in their lives. The right decision will propel them forward in life, and the wrong decision, destruction.
Do not leave this up to chance, or to the advice of your kids’ friends. Who knows your kids better than you do? No one. Who wants what’s best for your kids more than you? No one.
One of the things I love about the traditional Jewish world is that parents are involved in this most important process. But even if you are not running in traditional circles, you can still guide your children by talking to them about the qualities they should be looking for in their soul mate.
When our daughter, Malkie, was beginning to date for marriage, she talked to some of the Rabbis in Israel who taught at the post-secondary program she was in. We always talked about the kind of person she needed, and when she described what she was looking for to them, they were discouraging, saying there are hardly any guys with those qualities.
Malkie answered, “I only need one.”
It is with great joy and gratitude to The Almighty that we share the news that this week our daughter, Malkie, got engaged, to a wonderful young man with all of those qualities she knew she not only wanted but needed.
May all of our children be blessed to find their true soul mates.
Good Shabbos, Shabbat Shalom–